Two nuisance alligators caught in Sebastian area

SEBASTIAN — Two nuisance alligators have been caught in the Hardee Park Lake area, according to the Sebastian Police Department.

Two alligators of substantial size were trapped by the State Nuisance Alligator Program (SNAP). The alligators are believed to be responsible for the death of two dogs in the area.

The alligators were caught Sunday. One was 9′ 9″ and the other was 6′ 10″ in total length. 

One large alligator attacked at least one dog near Hardee Park in Sebastian, according to the Sebastian Police Department.

A dog’s head was confirmed found in the lake near Hardee Park on the Ponoka Street side, according to Ofc. Steve Marcinik, Sebastian Police Department spokesperson.

The dog was a pitbull breed, according to authorities.

Although it is believed that one or both of these alligators are responsible for the attacks and deaths of the pets, alligators are common in any waters in the state and more than likely more exist in the area.

Pet owners are reminded not to let their animals roam unsecured, especially by the waterways. Be very vigilant when near waterways fishing or any other out door activity.

Never feed alligators – it’s dangerous and illegal. When fed, alligators can overcome their natural wariness and learn to associate people with food. When this happens, some of these alligators have to be removed and killed.

“(Alligators) could be anywhere,” said Ofc. Marcinik.

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