Indian River County Commission clears staff for travel, renovations at Dodgertown

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Five items were approved on the consent agenda by the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners at today’s meeting.

The Commission first approved warrants dated Jan. 6 to Jan. 9. Warrants include checks and electronic payments issued by the Commission.

The second and third consent items regarded out of county travel for commissioners and staff. Select personnel have been approved to attend the 2014 Florida Association of Counties Legislative Day scheduled for March 27 in Tallahassee and the 2014 National Association of Counties Legislative Conference scheduled for March 1-5 in Washington D.C.

An amendment was made to the previously approved Facility Lease Agreement with Verotown, LLC to renovate 66 rooms at Historic Dodgertown. It was discovered that the original document described 67 rooms in need of renovation. The correction changing the total number of rooms from 67 to 66 was approved by the Commission. Total allocated funding of $634,000 as originally approved by the Commission did not change.

Finally, the Commission approved the Children’s Services Advisory Committee of Indian River County Department of Human Services’ Annual report dating Oct. 1, 2012 to Sept. 30, 2013.

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