Sebastian Council considering City Manager selection options

SEBASTIAN — After lengthy discussion on the four city manager selection options presented by staff, the Sebastian City Council decided not to immediately name Interim City Manager Joe Griffin to the permanent position.

Instead, although they all agreed that Griffin is eminently qualified and an excellent choice, they chose to put the procedural decision off until the next council meeting.

Councilman Jim Hill was absent from the meeting.

Of the remaining three options, Council rejected hiring a consulting firm. The cost, somewhere in the $20,000-$30,000 range, and the extended time frame, 24-37 weeks, quickly put this choice out of the running for council members.

At its next meeting, based on further cost information, the Sebastian Council will choose one of the remaining two:

  • The search can be conducted in-house – The City’s Administrative Services Department can advertise for candidates, review resumes, perform background checks, rank final candidate choices, conduct interviews and handle contract negotiations. This procedure could take 20-30 weeks, according to staff estimates.
  • Or the Council could opt to enlist the services of the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) Range Rider program, which provides a “well-respected, retired former City Manager to work with Staff and City Council to offer professional guidance and assistance,” taking an estimated 23-33 weeks, according to the city.

Council members did not readily agree on the approach to take. Councilman Richard Gillmor spoke at length of Griffin’s qualifications and made a motion to appoint him to the permanent position then and there. While the motion died for lack of a second, every council member voiced agreement with Gillmor as to Griffin’s qualifications and excellent character.

There was considerable disagreement, however, about the other options.

Mayor Bob McPartlan said he felt the time estimates provided by staff could be cut back considerably. He then stated he felt the Range Rider program would be the way to go, saying an experienced former City Manager could provide additional insight. Gillmor agreed with McPartlan, if Griffin was not to be chosen immediately.

McPartlan moved to choose the Range Rider program, but the motion did not make it to a vote.

Councilwoman Andrea Coy, however, voiced concerns about going that route. She raised issue with an unknown former City Manager making recommendations, commenting that they couldn’t even be sure this individual had been a good leader or whether he/she would be familiar with Sebastian’s special leadership requirements.

Councilman Jerome Adams was concerned with the cost of enlisting a Range Rider, which had not yet been ascertained by staff.

McPartlan asked Adams whether he would go along with the Range Rider program if the cost was not more than $5,000. Adams said he would.

Then Coy suggested that they wait until the next meeting and, meanwhile, ask staff to get information on the cost and on the individual who would be assigned to Sebastian, thus allowing them to make an informed choice.

McPartlan then moved to go with the Range Rider program if the cost was not over $5,000. With the Sebastian City Council finally in agreement with a 4-0 vote, the issue is expected to be concluded at the next Council meeting.

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