Sebastian exercise group shifts workouts to soccer location

SEBASTIAN — The 24Fit exercise group – led by Greg Richards –has found, at least temporarily, another location for its fitness and fellowship sessions after outgrowing Riverview Park.

The group will now use the Sebastian Soccer Association property near the North County Pool.

Richards and about three dozen members of 24Fit came before City Council last month to determine whether they would be able to continue exercising for an hour, two or three times a week, in city-owned Riverview Park.

The group – men, women and children of all ages – is informal but very enthusiastic, and in recent months the size of the group became a problem as it grew to more than 200 participants.

City park regulations require certain permits and fees for gatherings of 100 people or more, and another level of regulations for 300 and above.

Richards had asked City Manager Al Minner whether a permit would be required and was originally told “no” but, when Minner and council members began to receive complaints from other park users, they realized “how large and loud” the group had become.

By the time the council meeting discussion was over, the 24Fit group was faced with not just one, but three issues: the possibility of permits and fees; the complaints from (mostly) dog walkers and businesspeople concerned with the number of parking spaces such a large group uses; and, what was likely the icing on the cake – the large group of supporters filling council chambers all wore bright green T-shirts emblazoned with “Herbalife” – the business Richards is in.

Although Richards explained that the program is free and people can attend whenever they choose, and several supporters said that no one is solicited at the park, no products are sold there, and many participants don’t even use the Herbalife products, the council was faced with what was, essentially, a for-profit business using public space for a program that it espouses.

With no formal action taken by the council, Minner said he would get in touch with Richards, work something out and come back with a recommendation.

Two weeks down the road, however, Richards had not heard from Minner. But he had heard from Pat Reviezzo, president of the Sebastian Soccer Association, who reached out to the group with a temporary solution.

Reviezzo is active in several community events, including the Sebastian Clambake, and had come before council with a similar situation nine years ago, on behalf of the Soccer Association.

“I get it,” he said. “I see the city’s point of view. It’s difficult to change the rules.”

The Soccer Association worked with the city when it was seeking a suitable location.

“The city just didn’t have enough land, all in one place,” Reviezzo said.

Ultimately, the association found 16 acres within the North County Recreation District, near the North County Pool, which they now lease from the county.

“They (24Fit) have 200 people, and rules are rules, so I just told them, forget about the city. We have enough land. They work out two to three times a week for an hour or so and that doesn’t conflict with our schedule. My board feels the same way.”

“It will be nice to have a place to meet where we could have music – music makes exercising more fun,” Richards said.

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