Gobble up Humane Society Art for Animals Show this Thanksgiving weekend

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Artists and animal lovers gathered Friday evening at the Humane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River County (HSVBIRC) for a wine and cheese reception to celebrate the opening of the third annual Art for Animals Art Show and Sale.

The show continues throughout the Thanksgiving weekend, with the public invited to tour the remarkable facility and hopefully adopt some of the wonderful animals seeking forever homes.

Prior shows requested artists to contribute animal-themed works but Sheila Marshall, co-chair of the event with Rita Ziegler and Andi Beck, explained that they eliminated that requirement this year.

“It was Pam Harmon’s idea; she defined it as giving them artistic license,” said Marshall.

“As a result, a whole lot of different types of art came in and there are a lot of new artists.”

“I told Sheila, it’s still art for animals,” agreed Harmon of the fundraiser.

Artists were asked to contribute a $15 entry fee per piece plus a 15-percent commission donation from any sales – a win-win for all involved.

“I didn’t enter last year because I only had one painting of my own little doggie; it was too precious to sell. But this year when they opened it up, I wanted to be part of it,” said gifted artist Marlene Putnam, who entered two stunning oil paintings.

“I love all the different interpretations of artwork. It’s very exciting indeed.”

The 221 pieces, contributed by 124 artists include a wide variety of media – oil and watercolor paintings, photography, mixed media, pottery, jewelry, needlework, gorgeous quilts and even hand-crafted dog beds.

The impressive works were judged by Marjorie Bohler in 2-D, 3-D and photography categories.

“Photography was added at the insistence of the judge,” said Ziegler.

“She said there was so much wonderful photography that it was eating into the 2-D category.”

As in the past, shelter animals contributed their own special works – four paw-tastic paintings done by 2 cats and 2 dogs.

“This dog was adopted this week; the new owner bought the painting already,” said Marshall of Ramsey, whose new humans have homes in Maine and Virginia.

“They were visiting for the holiday. We hadn’t opened the show, but since they adopted the animal artist they had to have the artwork.”

Longtime Humane Society supporter Gloria Allen came decked out for the occasion in an adorable dachshund dress.

“This is a Humane Society Thrift Shop dress – isn’t it perfect for the event?”

A new Animal House section filled with animal-centric gift items, the brainchild of Andi Beck, was doing a brisk business.

“I bought some, friends bought and donated some things, plus I’m selling some items on commission,” explained Beck.

“I knew that this was a good idea. If you can’t afford the artwork, you can still walk home with something affordable. Art Club members painted the cats and dogs piggy banks. The community really does rally; they donate and give. It’s all about the animals.”

There are also grab bags selling for $25 with a guaranteed $50 value, and homemade cookies for both pets and humans.

“What a wonderful exhibit; I’m just so glad I came,” said Ginny Miller. “I love this Humane Society.”

“It’s a wonderful variety of paintings,” added her friend and contributing artist Suzan Phillips. “I’m so glad it’s grown so much.”

Dogs and cats of all sizes and ages, colors and personalities are available for adoption at the shelter, as are a variety of small animals such as ferrets and rabbits, birds, and occasionally horses and farm animals.

The shelter celebrated its 60th anniversary diamond jubilee this year as the only “open admission” animal shelter in Indian River County, meaning that no animal is ever turned away.

Free of charge and open to the public, the show continues from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at The Humane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River County, located at 6230 77th St., Vero Beach.

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