Sebastian Mayor, councilman to shave heads for childhood cancer fund

SEBASTIAN — Sebastian Mayor Bob McPartlan and Councilman Jim Hill have signed on to shave their heads to raise money for childhood cancer research after representatives from St. Baldrick’s Foundation announced a shave-a-thon at Capt. Hiram’s in March.

Other members of the Sebastian City Council expressed interest but didn’t immediately sign on.

Missy Elward, of St. Baldrick’s, called out City Manager Al Minner’s silvery head of hair as being prime for the fundraiser.

“We’re going to put a price on his head,” Elward said of the city manager.

“I know I have a great head of hair,” Minner said, chuckling, “but it doesn’t belong to me.”

He said he’d have to check with his wife before signing up to participate.

St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a national non-profit focused on raising money for research to lead to curing childhood cancers. According to the organization, 175,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year and one in five don’t survive their battle.

In the past, St. Baldrick’s Foundation has had events in neighboring counties, but not in Indian River. This year, that changes.

From Noon to 6 p.m. on March 2, those who volunteered to raise money and shave their heads will be center stage at Capt. Hiram’s, where Elward and others will take the razor and sheer their locks.

“Our goal is to raise $100,000,” said organizer Frank Mannino.

Commissioner Joe Flescher has committed to shaving his head, as well, according to Mannino.

Elward explained that participants set a fundraising goal and reach out to their friends, family and the community at large to contribute. Regardless of whether or not they reach their goal, their heads will still be shaved.

Elward said many set a $500 goal, though some women in the past put a $5,000 price tag on their heads.

“You can put me down,” Mayor Bob McPartlan told Mannino and Elward at the end of their presentation.

“You can put me on there – beautiful as it is,” Hill echoed, referring to his own head of hair.

Councilwoman Andrea Coy said she was interested but wasn’t sure if she could.

Already, teams are forming for the event, attracting 20 people, and $5,000 has been raised.

This weekend, Suzy’s Tiki will host a pre-registration event supporting St. Baldrick’s. Anyone interested in signing up or simply donating to the cause can find out more there.

Also, those interested can learn more by visiting, and specifically, Or they can call Frank Mannino at (772) 633-4452 or Missy Elward at (772) 643-2893.

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