One of my first lessons I learned in photography was during my first newspaper internships. I had “lock knee syndrome.”
Photographers get it stuck in their heads that all they have to do is raise the camera and push the button. Well, that’s fine if you only want snapshots. During a recent assignment, I had that option.
Here’s the photo of the sign that I shot, then near it is what it could have been.
Notice the framing that I created with shooting from my stomach. It made it more appealing getting down and getting a little grassy.
I could have just snapped the photo of the new Vero Beach Sports Village and returned to my car and been done with it.
But I doubt I’d have this job if I did that.
Not to say that there aren’t some photos where standing up is a suitable position, like photographing Barnum and Bailey Circus elephants.
I don’t care how trained they are, I’m going to be in a position to get out of the way.
Now I’ll play devil’s advocate.
My boss, who told me about my newly discovered lock knee syndrome, was a little disappointed when I came back with a photo that’s still in my portfolio today.
Rules are meant to be broken, first learn them, then break them.