How to make a nonprofit website more effective

There’s plenty of news coverage about how the economy is both straining businesses and inspiring them to look for more creative ways to be successful. In a way, the situation is the same for nonprofit organizations, but the financial strain put on them is even greater, since they are dependent on donations from the people whose budgets are tighter than ever.

That’s why it has become essential for nonprofits to think creatively about how they can stretch their cash in new and different ways, both to keep their organization afloat and to cultivate new memberships, support and growth. The need for nonprofits to have a Web presence is obvious in this wired world, but for organizations with limited budgets, it might seem next to impossible – but only if they don’t explore their options.

In fact, like many clubs and other small organizations, nonprofits can take advantage of new developments in software that make it easy to create a website that they can use to their advantage. While there are a number of options out there, there are a few things you need to consider when selecting software to make a nonprofit website.

* Fundraising capabilities: It’s an essential function for non profit software, so make sure that the software you choose has the functionality you need. Including fundraising capability on your website by using a software platform like Wild Apricot, gives your bottom line the potential to grow organically as people visit the site. When combined with traditional fundraising methods, online fundraising could be the key to seeing your organization through the toughest economic times.

* Communication potential: Everyone has a busy schedule these days, and it can be a challenge to get together for meetings to go over minutiae. If your website has membership management tools and a place where members can come together to discuss your organization’s issues and functions, you’re making it easier for everyone to participate.

* Keeping costs low: Building a website from the ground up, with all of the necessary hosting and complex features built in, is often cost-prohibitive for small nonprofits. By using company like Wild Apricot, you can get all of the tools you need for as little as $25 per month. And because creating your site is as simple as using a word processing program, it’s easy to launch and to maintain the site as your organization grows.

With the pressure on to stand out to potential donors – both large and small – building a Web presence with fundraising ability is essential to taking your nonprofit into the future. With a minimal investment in easy-to-use software, you’ll be able to get started sooner and more easily than you might have imagined.

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