What are drivers really doing behind the wheel?

The last time you were stuck in traffic, what kinds of things did you observe? Perhaps you saw the woman in the lane next to yours applying make-up; the man in the car in front of yours shaving; or in your rearview mirror you witnessed a mother screaming at the children bouncing around in the back seat.

When traffic started moving again, you may have shook your head and said to yourself, “There’s an accident waiting to happen!” Unfortunately, you were probably right. Distracted driving is one of the most significant hazards on the road.

A National Safety Council report published in January 2010, estimates that 1.4 million crashes are caused each year by drivers talking on cell phones. People who are texting and driving are blamed for 200,000 accidents annually. Countless other crashes are caused each year by other distractions.

It seems in a lot of cases, drivers are focused on everything but the road. The federal government has launched several campaigns to try and reverse the trend.

* On Oct. 1, 2009, President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting federal employees from texting while driving on government business or with government equipment.

* In January 2010, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration enacted an interim ban that prohibits commercial vehicle drivers from texting while behind the wheel. In March 2010, a proposed rule was announced that would make that ban stronger and more durable.

* The Department of Transportation recently launched a national campaign to encourage the public to get involved in ending distracted driving. “Put it Down” focuses on the key messages that drivers can’t do two things at once, and everyone has a personal responsibility to pay attention while behind the wheel.

Auto insurance companies are hopping on the bandwagon as well. Several companies have launched teen driver safety programs that encourage teens, who are four times more likely to be in an accident than other drivers, to drive safe and smart.

Allstate, for example, offers a Parent-Teen Driving Contract on its website that outlines teen driver responsibilities and defines consequences you agree on together if they’re not met. The site, www.Allstate.com, also offers driving safety tips, and ways to keep insurance costs in check, such as:

* Good Student Discount – If you’re younger than 25 years old, single and a full-time student who meets the GPA requirements.

* Safe Driving Bonus – for every six months of accident-free driving you have the opportunity to earn a check of up to 5 percent of your premium.

* Deductible Rewards – You’ll get $100 off your collision deductible the day you sign up. And then $100 off every year you go without an accident. Up to $500 total.

Be sure to ask about discount programs you may qualify for when requesting car insurance quotes for a young driver. Hopefully by encouraging new drivers to take safety seriously, distracted driving will be a lot less prevalent in the future than it is today.

Safe Driving Bonus and Deductible Rewards are trademarks of Allstate.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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