INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — School District officials recently decided to put an updated dress code on hold after hearing concerns from students and families who already bought clothing for the upcoming school year, officials said.
“Timing is everything. It was never the Board’s intention to cause a financial hardship for our students and families,” Laura Zorc, school board member, said in a statement. “Placing the dress code changes on hold until the 2019-2020 school year will give our families the time they asked for to adjust accordingly.”
Previously at a June meeting, the board approved an updated dress code that would be applied to three district schools, authorities said. Those schools are Sebastian River Middle School, Sebastian River High School and Vero Beach High School.
However, at a Tuesday meeting, the board decided to postpone the updated dress code until the 2019-2020 school year, officials said.
“The Board debated the matter, and while the decision was not unanimous, the majority felt that the economic impact to our hard-working families to implement the policy in the time given would be too great,” Shawn Frost, school board chairman, said in a statement.
“Now that parents and students have time to adjust to the idea, it is important to remember that the changes will take effect next year without amendment. We encourage continued communication and community input and service on the Code of Student Conduct Committee that will craft the 2019-2020 Student Code of Conduct for recommendation to the Board.”
Frost thanked those who helped to give input on the decision, including a community-based volunteer advisory committee, the Positive Climate Student Code of Conduct Committee, and those who made calls, sent emails and voiced their opinions at the meeting.
“Yesterday, the School Board took action that I believe was in the best interest of our students and families,” Tiffany Justice, school board member, said in a statement. “I look forward to a bright start to the 2018-2019 school year.”
Those who want more clarifying information about the dress code should visit the School District website.