INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Two beachgoers spotted a suspicious black package Wednesday on the shore that was later determined to have cocaine inside, deputies said.
Indian River County deputies opened the 52.8 package and discovered 19 smaller brick-like packages inside, a sheriff’s incident report shows. Deputies cut open one of the smaller packages and found a white substance, which tested positive for cocaine, authorities said.
Deputies responded to the incident shortly before 7 a.m. about 150 yards south of the beach access for the Shorelands subdivision, not far from Seagrove East complex. The beachgoers led deputies to the larger, rectangular package wrapped in plastic.
Deputies took the item to the crime scene division at the sheriff’s office. The officers found smaller packages – weighing 2.6 pounds a piece – hidden inside the larger item.
Each package had a label with the word “efecty,” reports show. All of the packages were placed into evidence.
It was unclear if the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will be contacted to pick up the items. Anyone who finds a suspected drug package on the shore should not touch it and call 911 immediately.