Moorings residents and friends celebrated another highly successful Moorings Habitat Classic Weekend at its culminating Gala at the Moorings Yacht and Country Club. As a result of its long-term commitment, the Moorings Habitat Partnership is now the largest donor to Indian River Habitat for Humanity in the county, having contributed more than $13 million.
“This is the 27th year of the Moorings Habitat Partnership,” said David Sommers, filling in for MHP chair Mark Parent.
“We’ve helped over 340 families in the county improve their lives and the future of their families, building 102 homes, repairing 145 homes, and providing over $340,000 for scholarships for home buyers and their children.”
Sommers thanked the committee and club staff for their assistance with the fundraiser, which included tennis, golf, croquet and other activities, and recognized all those who volunteer at construction sites and the Habitat ReStore.
He observed that Habitat supporters globally are continuing the legacy of the late President Jimmy Carter and his devoted wife, Rosalind, staunch advocates of the organization for nearly four decades.
“Through their involvement, they raised awareness, mobilized volunteers and contributed to Habitat’s mission of providing affordable housing for hard-working families. Their commitment significantly impacted the lives of many families in need of decent homes around the world and in Indian River County,” said Sommers.
A moving video tribute to the Carters showcased their selfless efforts to enrich the lives of others, rather than themselves.
“I’m always energized by this weekend and I’m so grateful for all of you and your willingness to continue this event,” said Trevor Loomis, IR Habitat CEO.
Loomis commented that the annual Carter Build Project expanded the mission of Habitat to almost 1,000 affiliates in the U.S. and Canada, and to more than 70 other countries.
“Five million housing solutions have been created worldwide through Habitat for Humanity. In a world where politics has become an increasingly ugly business, his legacy of service to his country and his fellow persons is one which we all aspire to,” said Loomis.
Likewise, he said, the Moorings community has built an incredible legacy with Habitat, reiterating his thanks for helping to better the lives of hundreds of local families.
“Together is a word we use a lot at Habitat for Humanity. One of the most powerful things about our ministry is how we bring people together from all walks of life to work together to build something special. As an organization, our focus is on empowering people and creating opportunities through shelter,” said Loomis.
He said each home they build represents some 200 lives; each touched by donors, volunteers, staff, subcontractors, neighbors, friends, and the family who will live there.
“Every home that is built, every roof that gets replaced, every door that gets walked through, represents years and years of birthdays and anniversaries and precious memories. We are so excited about all of the work that is happening, and we are so grateful for your continued partnership in making that happen. It is absolutely critical to our success as we move forward,” said Loomis.
“When you join with us to make a house into a home, you’re creating a ripple effect of opportunity and hope through our community and the world. Thanks for your kindness and incredible generosity. Thank you for continuing to make this event a success. It is a wonderful experience each and every year,” he added.
Sommers commented that over the past 33 years, Indian River Habitat has built and renovated more than 500 homes and repaired another 800. There are currently two new subdivisions underway, in the Oslo area and in Sebastian, with 150 home sites planned.
“Trevor, thanks for making Indian River and Habitat even more impactful than it’s ever been,” said Sommers.
For more information, visit IRCHabitat.org.
Photos by Joshua Kodis