Part 2! Share Gifford’s rich history at Open House March 17


You’re invited! A Tour Through Time Open House. Memories from all decades and eras are welcome.

Help us document and share the rich history of the Gifford community.

4 p.m. to 7 p.m. March 17 at the Gifford Community Center, 4855 43rd Ave., Vero Beach (Gifford)

-Share your stories and memories to be captured in writing or recording.

-Bring memorabilia like records, letters, postcards, and photographs to scan.

-Sit back and share your stories with friends and neighbors over refreshments.

Brought to you by: A partnership with the Gifford Progressive Civic League and Indian River County Historical Society. Grant provided by the Florida Division of Historical Resources.

For more information, call 772-226-1780 or reach out to Jonnie Mae Perry at 772-985-7573.


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