Bonz makes a fuss over Gus, a super-cool Schnauzer


This week I found out Schnauzers come in three o-FISH-ul sizes: Mini, Standard and Giant. I learned it from this week’s innerview-ee, Augusta George DeBaar (he says to please call him Gus). Gus, a mellow sorta pooch, anna Schnauzer himself, explained that, cuz he’s bigger than a Mini Schnauzer but smaller than a Standard Schnauzer, at his current weight, 26 pounds, he considers himself a Mini/Moderate Schnauzer.

When me an my assistant arrived, Gus was standin’ in the doorway with his Mom, and trotted up for the Wag-an-Sniff.

WELL, whichever Schnauzer category he’s in, Gus’ score on the Off-FISH-ul Dog Adorableness Scale has gotta be Off The Charts! Perky! Jaunty! Sticky-Uppy hair! Ballet dancer feet turnout!

Sailboat ears! Bright eyes framed by white bangs! An, fringed by neatly trimmed beard an whiskers, a liddle wet nose humans are compelled to BOOP.

We pooches all know THAT LOOK: the one we employ when we Really, Really Want Something, right? The intense gaze, the head tilt, the way we look up humans like they’re the Most Intrestin’ Peeple in the Entire World. Pretty ear-ree-ZISS-tubble, an Gus is a master at it.

“Hey there, Bonzo!” he said cheerfully. “Cool Kibbles meetin’ you In The Fur! Meet my Dad, Dan (I call him Dan, cuz we’re Buds), an Mom, Luanne! They’re the Best. You can call me Gus!”

“A pleasure, Gus. An call me Bonz!”

“Pawsome! C’mon IN. We can get comf-tubble an, you’re gonna ask a buncha questions, right?”

I nodded an Gus led the way in, puhlitely accepted a coupla treats produced from The Satchel by my assistant, an curled up on the floor. “Ready when you are,” he said as I opened my notebook.

“Just tell me about your life as far back as you can remember, up till now, advenchurs, favorite things. I’d also like to know how you got that Cool Kibbles name.”

“Okey-dokey! Here we go! (Oh, an, by the way, I’m a Snowbirddog. We have a condo in MISH-again.) So, buh-for me, Mom had a Schnorkie (Mini Schnauzer/Yorkie mixture) Murphy, who she loved very much, an, when he went to Dog Heaven, Mom was VERY sad.

“After about 6 months, Mom was still mopin’, so her granddaughter, MaKenna, duh-cided IT WAS TIME! She found a famly in MISH-again with 6 Mini Schnauzer puppers (my litter). So Mom and MaKenna went to check us out. We were all different colors: me an a sibling were like liddle 8-pound snowballs, an everybody but me was just tumblin’ around, puppyin’ up a storm.

I, on the other paw, was just lyin’ on the floor, all mellow.

“It took Mom a coupla of Look-Sees, but finally she was, like, ‘HIM! YEP! That’s HIM!”

“Pawsome, Gus!” I exclaimed.

“It WAS! I was great for the whole car ride back an, apparently, I’d been pretty well trained, as puppers go. When I was learnin’ where to Do My Dooty down here, I only had 2 Oopses. You can’t always GO outside up in MISH-again, cuzza the snow an cold, like you can down here,” Gus explained.

“I’ve always been a very SO-shull poocheroo,” he continued. “I ’speshully LOVE liddle kids an puppies. To me, they’re all just part of The Pack. They all call me Uncle Gus!”

“So, Gus, how DID you get your ackshull name?”

“Well, Mom an McKenna, an her other granddaughter Libby, submitted, like, 50 names, which got narrowed down to Cody (I don’t ’member why) an Augusta George (cuz Dan’s twins were born in Augusta and his Dad’s name was George). Cool Kibbles, right?”

“Woof, yes! Totally,” I exclaimed, then, “with your outgoin’ doganality, you probly go to the Dog Park a lot, an have tons of pooch pals!”

“Oh, woof, yes! Down here, there’s Sammy, a Bishon, an Carson, a mixture. Millie’s a Golden Doodle. She’s from Tennessee. Up in MISH-again there’s Zoe, Dolly, Winnie an, lemme think, Marley, an Monster. We run around inna big grassy place called The Bowl. When it gets Very Cold, SNOW falls all over the place an makes everything white. We love playin’ in SNOW! Do you like SNOW?”

“I’ve never ackshully seen it,” I admitted. “Isn’t it sorta like rain, but … fluffier?”

“Yeah. Definitely much fluffier. Humans roll it into SNOWpeople. An us pooches can make paw prints in it. An roll around in it. I personally like throwin’ it in the air. WAY fun! I LOVE SNOW!

But you gotta have a nice warm, dry place to snuggle when you’re done playin.’”

“Well, you look like you’re in Grrreat Shape,” I told him.

“Thanks, Bonz! I work at it! Every morning me an Mom have a 2-mile walk, then, every afternoon, me an Dan go to the dog park: Dogs for Life, or the Vero Beach Dog Park, by the river. Dan’s our Dog Pack Entertainer.

“All my Riverside Dog Park buds call me The Mayor. Everybody knows me. We run an run, back an forth. I’m the slowest (which is fine with me). When I’m runnin’ one way, they all pass me goin’ the other way. Woof, do we have fun!”

“Indoors, I have a lotta stuffies Mom got me. I’m not that interested in ’em, but I don’t wanna hurt her feelin’s so I bop ’um around once inna while. Ackshully, I do like my snowman stuffy an my reindeer stuffy cuz they ruh-mine me of SNOW. Mom says she got ’em for me so I won’t forget MISH-again. I also have a Boddle of Stout stuffy. I’m not sure why. Here, look!”

Gus rooted around and pulled the snowman, the reindeer, anna brown boddle stuffy out from under the pile. I’d never seen a Boddle of Stout stuffie buh-fore, so I plan to Google it if I can remember. I noticed the stuffies appeared to be in good con-dish-un: not soggy, munched on or ripped. I was impressed.

Headin’ home, I was thinkin’ about frenly, down-to-earth Gus, master of Canine Adorableness but not the slightest bit Snob Nose. Then I remembered he’d mentioned he liked whipped cream, so I started thinkin’ about that.

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