Vero Beach police officers have overwhelmingly approved a new contract that includes 5-percent annual pay increases over the next three years, plus additional financial enhancements ranging from $1,000 to $2,250 annually.
Sgt. Brad Kmetz, president of the Vero Beach Police Officers Association Local 6019, said more than 95 percent of the union’s members – 54 rank-and-file officers up to and including sergeants – voted on Dec. 6 to accept an upgraded offer from the city.
The City Council ratified the new contract, which takes effect at the start of the first full pay period after New Year’s Day, at its regular meeting last week.
“I’m very happy with the contract we negotiated and, ultimately, approved,” Kmetz said in a phone interview. “I want to thank the City Council members. Without them, we might still be at the bargaining table.
“They helped push us across the finish line.”
In fact, City Manager Monte Falls said the union’s negotiating team had refused to budge on how much additional money would go to the department’s “Career Progression Plan” as officers rise in rank and gain seniority.
He said the city made an offer, but it “wasn’t exactly what they asked for,” leaving the negotiations at an impasse.
To resolve the matter, Falls requested a special-call meeting with Vero council members on Nov. 27 – behind closed doors in an executive session – and they agreed to improve the city’s offer to the union.
“There was give and take between the negotiating teams, which is how bargaining is supposed to work,” Falls said. “Once we had their firm request, I went to the City Council, which approved modifications to our offer.
“In the end, neither side got everything it wanted,” he added, “but everybody seems to be happy with the outcome, as proven by the percentage of the union membership that approved the contract.”
In addition to the previously offered 5-percent raises in their salaries, the officers will receive annual base-pay increases corresponding to their ranks:
- $1,000 for police officers, $1,250 for corporals and $1,500 for sergeants for the 2024-25 fiscal year, starting with the first pay period after Jan. 1.
- $2,000 for all officers through the rank of sergeant for the 2025-26 fiscal year, starting with the first pay period after Oct. 1, 2025.
- $2,250 for all officers through the rank of sergeant for the 2026-27 fiscal year, starting with the first pay period after Oct. 1, 2026.
Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey called it the “best contract we’ve ever had,” adding that he was happy for his officers, whom he said “deserve every penny.”
Kmetz said the union wanted to make sure the department’s pay scale was competitive with those of law-enforcement agencies in other Treasure Coast communities.
He said Vero police were aware that Port St. Lucie’s police officers had received a new three-year deal that included a whopping 24-percent pay raise in the first year, followed by consecutive 5-percent annual raises.
Also, Fort Pierce recently approved a one-year, 9-percent pay raise for its police officers. The union there had sought a 15-percent raise and previously rejected offers of 3 percent and 8 percent.
The starting salary for a Vero Beach police officer currently is just over $50,500 per year.
However, the officers received 5-percent raises each of the last two years, meaning the city – by the end of the new contract – will have increased their pay by more than 25 percent over a five-year period.
“We understand salary is important,” Currey said. “These men and women need to take care of their families, and the cost of living has increased. It’s not easy. But we have a good contract and it seems like everyone is happy.”