Contact: Barbara du Pont. 772-913-3333. [email protected] Gallery 14 Presents
MEMORIES OF NATURE: Abstract Expression Paintings by Jane Johnson and
PORTRAITS TO NATURE: The World of John Street Pastels
Gallery 14 is excited to continue their new season with a unique duo show featuring popular artists Jane Johnson and John Streeter. The exhibit entitled: “MEMORIES OF NATURE AND PORTRAITS TO NATURE will run October 29 through November 29. There will a First Friday Gallery Stroll reception on November 1, 5-8pm. The exhibit will feature two creative artists with their own uniques views of nature. Jane Johnson’s paintings are inspired by nature, play, the moment, and problem resolution. They represent balance, fearlessness, strength and optimism. John Streeter says that he strives to capture the natural color and texture of native flowers. His gorgeous florals are done with an incredibly delicate touch along with an assortment of his other works that are equally fascinating.
Also, featured will be Gallery 14 artist-owners: Lila Blakeslee, Barbara du Pont, Barbara Landry, Mary Ann Hall, Jessica Leto, Deborah Morrell Polackwich, Dorothy Napp Schindel and Evan Schwarze. In addition there will be work by Gallery 14’s represented artists: Walford Campbell, Jim Cohoe, Melanie Denison, Joan Earnhart, Terry Green, Viola Pace Knudsen, Mia Lindberg, Francis Mesaros, Michael Robinson, Carol Staub, and Jo Zaza. Gallery 14 is located at 1911 14th Avenue in the Downtown, Historic District of Vero Beach, FL. Open October through May, Tuesday through Friday 10-5pm and Sat 10-4pm and June and July, Thursday/Friday 11-4pm, and Saturday11-3pm. Closed August and September. Always open for the First Friday Gallery Strolls OR open by appointment. Phone 772-562-5525. website:, and please visit us on Facebook and Instagram.