Special Board of County Commission Workshop on Urban Service Boundary Study Results

Indian River County (IRC) – The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a special call  workshop to receive results of the County’s Urban Service Boundary (USB) Study. The County’s USB  Study consultant, Inspire Placemaking Collective, will present their final findings and  recommendations to the commissioners on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, beginning at 2:00 PM in the BOCC Chambers, located in the County Administration Building, 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach.  

The USB area establishes where urban facilities such as water and sewer lines are constructed,  where urban services are provided, and where urban development will be both accommodated and  prohibited. The current boundary is located almost entirely east of Interstate 95, except for an area  along the State Road 60 corridor and property within the City of Fellsmere.  

“Population projections for 2050 could reach 210,000, a 25 percent increase from today which is  why the evaluation of available land to accommodate projections, and an evaluation of the costs  associated with providing public services is a high priority,” said Commission Chair Susan Adams.  

“Staff went to great lengths to create opportunities for public engagement, holding six in-person  meetings, both morning and evening, and an online survey to garner an understanding of citizen  expectations regarding the vison of our County. The Commission looks forward to hearing the  results,” added Adams.  

The workshop will be open to the public. The Commissioners will hear the results, ask questions of  staff and the consultant, and discuss concepts among themselves if they choose. No votes will be  taken at this meeting.

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