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Faith in Florida Denounces Violence Against the Haitian Community in Springfield, Ohio

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2023

Contact: Loren Lyons | 850-212-7524 |

MONDAY: Faith in Florida Denounces Violence Against the Haitian Community in Springfield, Ohio

Orlando, FL.– Faith in Florida and its network of 800 congregations condemn the hateful lies targeting the Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, and across the nation. The fear-mongering tactics used to vilify Haitians, diminish their contributions, and threaten their well-being are harming families, children, and entire communities who seek only to thrive and build better lives. We denounce political figures and call out political leaders like JD Vance and former president Donald Trump, who exploit Haiti as a political tool for personal gain.

We call on the Biden administration to take a firm stance against the hateful rhetoric toward the Haitian community and to allocate $5 million in emergency relief funds to address the violence and provide support to the Springfield community.

We are all children of God, created in His image and precious in His sight. As members of the faith community, it is our duty to speak out against any rhetoric that incites violence, hatred, and division. We stand firmly for peace and justice for all, including our immigrant siblings.

“The attack on the Haitian community is evidence that we are confronting a real and present evil. We must be intentional and strategic in addressing hate. We must uplift the Haitian community and highlight their strength, courage, and the blessings they bring to any community they are part of. Haitians are being persecuted both in their homeland and abroad. The question is, ‘Where can we find refuge?'” said Nathalie Setoute, a Haitian immigrant and community organizer for Faith in Florida.

To our Haitian brothers and sisters, we pray for a revolutionary spirit to rise above the poison of bigotry and xenophobia. Use this moment to mobilize, vote, raise leaders, and fight for justice and equity.

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