Spirits flowed as supporters raised their glasses in toast to making an impact together during the Cocktails for a Cause Kickoff Party at 21st Amendment Distillery to benefit the United Way of Indian River County.
21st Amendment Distillery owner Jeff Palleschi explained that Cocktails for a Cause will be held year-round, with a portion of the proceeds from each month’s featured cocktails benefiting a different charity.
“We have a saying around here: ‘Always serving,’” said Palleschi. “We mean that literally and figuratively. In other words, we’re really serving, but we’re here to serve the community as well.”
The United Way kicked off the initiative as the featured nonprofit through September and October, with funds raised going toward its numerous programs and services.
The United Way distributes funding to 35 partner agencies and collaboratives that are focused on improving the quality of life for Indian River County residents in need through education, income and health programs and services.
“We are incredibly grateful to 21st Amendment Distillery for giving us this opportunity,” said Meredith Egan, UWIRC CEO.
“They truly exemplify what it means to be a small business that not only thrives locally but also gives back to the community. Their commitment to supporting programs that serve our neighbors is inspiring and deeply appreciated.”
United Way staff chose the Impact Punch as their cocktail of choice, and it proved to be a good one, with at least 75 drinks sold during the kickoff party. A strong mix of agave spirit, mango and passion fruit puree, lime juice, and pepper bitters, the beverage will empower the community – one drink at a time.
“The event was a wonderful chance to reconnect with our funded agencies, generous donors and community partners as we kicked off what promises to be a great season. We’re excited to continue collaborating with all sectors of our community to meet the needs of our neighbors,” said Egan.
“Events like Cocktails for a Cause offer a simple yet impactful way for people to make a difference just by enjoying a drink at 21st Amendment,” she added.
The nonprofit will host its annual Community Leaders’ Breakfast on Oct. 2, at Celebration Grove. Its annual Day of Caring kicks off with a breakfast at 8 a.m. Oct. 26 at the Jackie Robinson Training Complex, before countless volunteers head out into the community to make a difference together on various projects.
For more information about the United Way visit UnitedWayIRC.org. For information about 21st Amendment Distillery, visit 21st-distillery.com.
Photos by Joshua Kodis
- Meredith Egan, Jeff Palleschi and Jessica Schmitt
- Rob and Cynthia Ryan with Charlotte Tripson, Ryan Butler and Jeff Palleschi
- Jules Cherney, Scott Brown and Christina Morales
- Kathy Lindsey, Rhonda Zirkle, Katie Nall and Melissa Ogonoski
- Patty Bruzzese and Sabrina Barnes
- John Huryn, Nicki Maslin and Mark Castlow
- Sydney Mihailoff, Richard Giessert and Tom Tierney
- Phil Barnes, Cindy Carr and Amanda Morgan
- Frank Isele and Anne Posey
- Jessica Staudt and Megan McFall
- Suzanne Seldes, Deana Shatley, and Capt. Ross Partee
- Sherri Philo and Tammy Bursick
- Richard Giessert, Stephanie LeBlanc and Dawn Redstone