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Indian River Shores’ septic-to-sewer meeting set for Sept. 12

The 145 Indian River Shores homeowners who still rely on septic systems will find out next week how and when they will be hooked up to Vero Beach Utilities for sewer service.

To comply with Florida Statutes aimed at phasing out the use of septic tanks in all-but rural inland areas where sewer lines are not available, the town has hired engineers to plot out a strategy for bringing sewer lines within reach of every Shores residence.

A meeting about the upcoming project will be held at 10 a.m. Sept. 12 at the Town Hall Complex, and those homeowners directly impacted were notified individually.

“The 145 septic systems are clustered in certain areas, with most of them being, surprisingly, on the oceanfront in John’s Island, and on Beachcomber Lane and Pebble Lane,” Town Manager Jim Harpring said.

Vero Water-Sewer Director Rob Bolton said Shores residents will not be connected via a Septic Tank Effluent Pump or STEP system. “The project the Town is proposing will incorporate a conventional gravity sewer system since they are reconstructing the roads,” Bolton said on Friday.

Planners’ drawings of the project, timelines and cost details will be discussed at the meeting. Engineering work is being funded by the town government with public dollars.

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