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The power of resilience: How to bounce back from adversity

Life throws all of us curve balls. But according to Mayo Clinic, the more resilient we are, the better able we will be to cope with those tough events when they appear. If something bad happens, you may still feel anger, grief and pain, but you’ll be able to keep going, both physically and psychologically.

Dr. Karrol-Jo Foster, who has a Ph.D. in counseling education and is an LMHC (licensed mental health counselor), works with a wide range of clients at her practice, Fostering Resilience, in Vero Beach.

She says, “Resilience is our ability to bounce back from adversity. Essentially, it’s what allows us to experience and move through difficult emotions.”

There are several types of resilience.

Dr. Foster explains that if these abilities appear to be easier for some than others, it is because resilience is significantly influenced by a complex combination of biology and conditioning.

LifeDNA, a company offering DNA-based health and wellness services, published an article explaining that it’s crucial to understand that genetics alone does not determine resilience.

The ability of a person to adapt and overcome obstacles is also greatly influenced by environmental circumstances, lifestyle decisions and social support. Genetics only serves as a starting point for resilience, and even the best genes do not ensure immunity to life stressors.

Dr. Foster says, “Resilience is a skill that you can learn through consistent practice. Like any other muscle, our mental and emotional muscles grow stronger through exercise.”

She suggests these four practices to exercise and strengthen your resilience muscles:

Gratitude – To gain more strength in your ability to access powerful thoughts like gratitude, you need to do more than just think about it. Journaling three to five things you’re grateful for every day will start to strengthen a new neuropathway in your brain.

Contemplate the alternative perspective – No matter what the experience, there are always multiple ways to interpret our experience that is greatly influenced by the conditioning of our mindset or what Dr. Foster refers to as our “lens.” The way one person interprets an event may be through a very different lens than another.

Seek the silver lining – This practice is done in retrospect. Taking time to journal about difficult experiences from a compassionate perspective and contemplating how you’ve grown from that experience and other potential benefits will increase your ability to access productive, strength-based thoughts in the future.

Savor the positive moments – This is a resilience exercise you practice in the moment, purposefully practice savoring the positive moments. Due to the nature of our brains being programmed for survival and not happiness, we generally spend much more time reflecting on negative and hurtful events in our lives in an attempt to stay safe than we do positive events.

Everyday Health offers the following additional things to work on, either by yourself or with professional help:

For people who want to raise resilient children, the American Psychological Association suggests teaching them to:

Dr. Foster says that first and foremost, it starts with you. Your children will benefit from you teaching them how to practice skills, but the example you set by your own actions and reactions to life’s ups and downs can be a much more memorable and compelling lesson in the power of resilience.

Karrol-Jo Foster is a licensed mental health counselor(LMHC) in the State of Florida. Her office, Fostering Resilience, LLC, is located at 2160 58 Ave., Suite 269, Vero Beach. The phone number is 772-247-3214.

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