Quail Valley Charities hands out another $780K to nonprofits

Kristen Touchberry, Robin Orzel, Sara Klein and Martha Redner. PHOTO BY JOSHUA KODIS

Representatives from 41 local nonprofits whose programs support children, education, and their well-being were all smiles as they gathered at Quail Valley at the Pointe to receive grants from funds amassed through the various fundraisers held by Quail Valley Charities earlier this year.

A total of $780,000 was granted this year, bringing their 22-year total to more than $12 million.

“It’s great to have everybody out on this beautiful afternoon,” said Kevin Given, Quail Valley Golf Club managing partner.

He explained that the distributions were the result of hard work by numerous individuals, most notably the Quail Valley membership.

“I would like to publicly thank our members. Our membership at Quail Valley has been the driving force behind the success of Quail Valley Charities. They really support it, not only financially, but with their volunteerism and their encouragement,” said Given.

Leading the charge were the women who have guided the effort for many years: Martha Redner, QVC executive director; Wanda Lincoln, QVC chairperson; Trudie Rainone, QVC vice-chairperson; and, more recently, Kristen Touchberry, executive assistant.

“I want to welcome everybody to what you know is the best day of the year,” said Lincoln, commenting that the success was the result of a team effort that began in October.

She recognized their committee members, who she said deserved extra special thanks.

“They are a group of people that we could call at any time and say, ‘Can you be there?’ And 100 percent they would say, ‘Yes, I can.’ And so they’re very, very special,” said Lincoln.

Redner agreed, before also acknowledging the Quail Valley team and all the department heads, noting that it would not have been possible without their overwhelming support.

“So we’re excited to start giving out some money this evening and again, as Wanda said, it’s the best day of the year. It truly is,” said Redner.

Commenting on the positive difference the nonprofits continue to make regarding the lives of children in the community she added, “Thank you for all you do.”

The youngest, and clearly the most dapper of the recipients, was Cameron Cruz, a fourth-grade student at Liberty Magnet Elementary School, introduced by Thomas Hardy, founder of the Young Journalist. Hardy said their charity began five years ago with six children and, thanks to support from funders such as Quail Valley Charities, they now have more than 100 students.

The newest of the grantees was Float Hope, founded by Jeffrey Powers, which raises funds to pay for swim lessons for children from low-income families, most of whom have never had lessons or exposure to a pool.

“We are so grateful for all that you do,” said Shannon McGuire Bowman, of Childcare Resources, echoing the sentiments of everyone else in the room in thanking Quail Valley Charities for its support.

Photos by Joshua Kodis

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