SEBASTIAN — Authorities are working to bring additional charges against a man they said brought drugs into a hospital last weekend, causing him and the woman he was visiting to overdose. Deputies said Forrest Cameron Smith brought 26 grams of powdered cocaine and 47 alprazolam pills to Sebastian River Medical Center.
“He showed up at the hospital with basically his own pharmacy,” Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers said during a news conference Monday. “(The woman) was being taken care of in ICU. He admittedly gave her drugs while he was there. (They) both began to die. The doctors brought them both back to life.”
Now, deputies and the state attorney’s office are working to bring a possession of cocaine charge against Smith. Smith, 47, was initially charged last Saturday with delivery of a controlled substance.
Jail booking records show Smith lived in Ocala, but his arrest report lists him with an Indian Harbour Beach address.
Deputies said toxicology reports showed Smith had cocaine, marijuana and benzodiazepines (alprazolam) in his system. The woman’s toxicology report detected benzodiazepines (alprazolam) in her system, reports show.
Neither Smith nor the woman had a prescription for alprazolam, deputies said. The woman remained in the hospital in the intensive care unit as of this week.
Deputies responded to reports of a narcotic overdose about 7:45 a.m. April 20 at the Sebastian River Medical Center. Deputies learned that Smith went to the hospital the night before to visit the woman and returned in the early morning hours.
A nurse told deputies that (the woman) “went into cardiac arrest within one hour of Smith returning,” reports show.
Hospital staff revived Smith and the woman, deputies said. The staff at the hospital found the cocaine and Xanax pills (alprazolam) in Smith’s bag, reports show.
“Your affiant determined that (the woman’s) cardiac arrest may have been caused by the effects of ingesting the alprazolam,” deputies said in the arrest report.
Deputies arrested Smith and booked him into the county jail. Smith has an arraignment at 8:45 a.m. June 20, court records show.