INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Security footage captured two suspects running and shooting at each other inside a residential area late Tuesday, blasting bullets into homes and vehicles nearby, sheriff’s officials said. Now, deputies are asking anyone with information on the incident or the individuals involved to come forward.
“There were no injuries to anyone inside the houses,” said Sgt. Kevin Jaworski, a spokesperson with the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.
The late-night shooting led deputies to close the roads for about three hours, Jaworski said.
Deputies responded to reports of gunfire about 9 p.m. near 11th Street Southwest and 16th Avenue Southwest. Deputies continued hearing gunshots after they arrived, Jaworski said.
Deputies set up a large perimeter to search for the suspects, but did not find them. Jaworski said four homes and two vehicles were struck by the gunfire.
Deputies obtained footage from security cameras nearby. It was unclear if the video will be released to the public.
Descriptions of the suspects were not immediately available.
“Our detectives are actively investigating this incident,” Jaworski said. “If anyone in the community knows who the two subjects are, we encourage them to contact the sheriff’s office.”
Those with information can contact the sheriff’s non-emergency line at 772-569-6700. Callers can also contact Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers at 1-800-273-TIPS or tcwatch.org to remain anonymous.