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Self-awareness: Getting in touch with your thoughts, emotions

Most people think that their level of self-awareness is pretty high. But Jane Coyle, LCSW, a psychotherapist who’s been in private practice in Vero Beach since 1992, says that’s often not the case.

Self-awareness is the ability to tune into your own feelings, thoughts and actions, and is related to the practice of mindfulness, which is gaining traction in the traditional medical world. When people are self-aware, they understand their strengths and challenges and know what helps them thrive. They also understand that how they see themselves may be different from how others see them.

An article in the Harvard Business Review suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we’re more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.

Sounds good, but Coyle says our society doesn’t encourage people to be in touch with their thoughts and emotions – particularly men. “Many parents influence their kids to hide their emotions. They’ll tell a crying child to ‘buck up.’

“If your bigger child knocks your smaller child down, it’s sad if you say, ‘you’re not really hurt.’ You should pick him or her up … take them on your lap” and let them know it’s OK to be afraid or angry. Let them know you are there to protect and accept them and “help your child build a foundation where they can grow up and feel OK about expressing how they feel,” Coyle says.

“People who were raised in families where emotions weren’t cared for develop their own ways to not feel their feelings,” that often are not good for them.

“For example, they might engage in avoidance, which means they try to avoid places, people or situations that remind them of their distress, or take their negative feelings out on others,” according to Medical News Today.

Other coping strategies can include excessive screen time, binge watching television to experience other people’s emotions instead of their own or passing hours lost in TikTok reels. Excessive drug or alcohol use and other addictions such as sex addiction and exercise addiction are other ways people avoid facing and dealing with their feelings in healthy ways.

A recent report on NBC News offered suggestions from mental health experts on how to cultivate or enhance your self-awareness. Included were such topics as:

Coyle says one of the exercises she uses most effectively when she’s teaching patients mindfulness is diaphragmatic breathing, which means the stomach, rather than the chest, moves with each breath, expanding while inhaling and contracting while exhaling.

Deliberately paying attention to each breath serves to calm and quiet the mind.

“At first, many of them think, it’s nuts, but I can’t tell you how many say later that learning deep breathing is one of the things that helped them most.

“I tell them to practice whenever their anxiety goes up, whether they’re on line at the grocery store or stuck in traffic. No one knows you’re doing it, but it allows you to step back and give yourself permission to take care of yourself.”

Besides providing a calming focus of attention – that might otherwise be focused on upsetting or anxious thoughts – deep breathing has direct effect on brain waves through various pathways in the nervous system, making the mind quieter and calmer via changes in brain chemistry.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that is effective for a range of problems, including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, marital problems, eating disorders and severe mental illness.

“CBT is based on the realization that psychological problems are based, in part, on faulty or unhelpful ways of thinking and on learned patterns of unhelpful behavior,” according to the American Psychological Association.

People often tell themselves very negative stories about their feelings and circumstances that are not accurate. By learning better, more accurate ways of thinking from a therapist, simple techniques, patients frequently are able to cope much better, relieving their symptoms and becoming more effective in their lives.

It’s another of Coyle’s tools for treating her patients. “I use CBT a lot. It helps people learn how to be aware of what their thoughts really are.” Mayo Clinic says that CBT can be an effective tool to help anyone learn how to better manage stressful life situations., a science-based, learning environment for helping professionals, outlines benefits of developing self-awareness.

Coyle says we each have a rational mind and an emotional mind. The emotional mind is quicker, imprecise, and more suited to situations requiring spontaneous reactions. The rational mind is more precise, but slower. We make thousands of decisions every day, from the most trivial to the most important. “The healthiest people allow both sides to work together. Self-awareness helps us reach that point.”

Jane Coyle is a psychotherapist specializing in anxiety disorders, relationship therapy, and narcissistic personality disorder. She has a B.A. from Mount Holyoke College, a Master of Science in Social Service degree from Boston University School of Social Work, and is certified in clinical social work by the National Association of Social Workers. Her practice, Coyle & Mattern, LLC, is located at 2770 Indian River Blvd., Vero Beach. The phone number is 772-569-9300.

Correction: In the April 4 issue of this paper, Vero Beach therapist Jane Coyle’s photograph was accidentally included in an article about lymphedema, which she does not treat. The person who should have been shown in the article was medical massage therapist Jane Coyne. 

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