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Press release for Hurricane Idalia Cleanup

Most people think that experiencing and cleaning up from hurricanes is completely miserable, but some people have been finding a silver lining in them—the volunteers who help people clean up the mess.

During September, 94 volunteers from Vero Beach up to Satellite Beach from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had the privilege of serving people in the Lake City Florida area who experienced damage from Hurricane Idalia. They cut and removed fallen tree limbs from houses, put tarps on damaged roofs, and cleared debris, but more importantly, they touched hearts. Those whose homes were damaged were trying their best to clean things up on their own and barely making a dent in the job, and were elated to see groups of volunteers in yellow shirts come and finish the job. They worked together and they prayed together, people of various faiths coming together in service, appreciation, and love.

Jacob Lawson, a volunteer for this cleanup effort from Vero Beach and a regional church leader, told of a couple whose storage trailer had been crushed from their neighbor’s tree falling on it. They were able to remove the tree for them and get to know this couple in the process. The husband was a local baptist preacher and he and his wife appreciated their efforts. Upon leaving, she came outside where the volunteers were, and asked if they could pray together before the volunteers departed, and so they did. Jacob told her, “We sure do love you.” Jacob recounted that the spirit of the Lord was felt and remarked after the experience, “It’s always great to see how the Love of Christ brings hope to all the world, one individual at a time.”

Merilee Clay from Palm Bay, another volunteer, related, “in the real sense it’s hard to capture the relationship and conversations in the spirit we felt during this service. I know I walked away sore and tired, and just joyful that I got to go.

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