INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Glendale Christian School student Piper Sweeney said there’s a lot to like about her favorite teacher. He’s nice, funny, loves everyone, plays dodgeball with students and plucks out melodies on the guitar, the seven-year-old student shared in a regional essay contest by Applebee’s.
The second-grader’s heartfelt description was selected as the local winning entry for the contest where students nominate their instructors for “Teacher of the Year.” This allows her teacher, Matthew Alfaro, to receive a $500 check to go toward his classroom for the upcoming school year.
Alfaro teaches phonics, arithmetic, reading and creative writing at the school, which shares the same 200-student campus as Glendale Baptist Church along 27th Avenue in Indian River County.
“It was a very nice surprise. I read the essay and it warmed my heart,” said Alfaro, 26, of Vero Beach. “There’s always this human doubt and insecurity. I know so many other great teachers. It feels good to be recognized.”
Sweeney, who goes by the pen name P.L. Sweeney, submitted the essay to the Applebee’s in Vero Beach. The aspiring writer’s essay mentions how Alfaro is always fair and teaches his students the books of the Bible.
“I felt he was deserving of it. He’s really nice and active. He plays dodgeball with us at recess. It’s really fun,” said Sweeney, of Vero Beach. “I was so excited when my essay won. I really wanted him to have the $500.”
Alfaro strums melodies on his guitar in his spare time and plays with a local band called Wake the Neighbors. The instructor said he also leads worship service at Glendale Baptist Church and other churches.
Above and “BEE”yond Teacher Essay Contest
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar locations owned and operated by Doherty Enterprises hosted the 7th annual Above and “BEE”yond Teacher Essay Contest. This year’s contest allowed students within certain counties in Florida, Georgia, New York and New Jersey to nominate a teacher from their local school district to be Teacher of the Year.
The contest was held Jan. 9 through March 12, according to Doherty Enterprises.
Students in elementary, middle and high school were required to submit essays – explaining why their teacher deserved the recognition – to their local Applebee’s. The contest winners were announced April 14.
Thanks to Sweeney, Alfaro was one of seven teachers across 12 Florida counties to win the contest. The contest is one of many ways organizations across the U.S. are honoring educators during National Teacher Appreciation Week, which runs Monday through Friday.
Applebee’s awarded one teacher from each participating school district the $500 sponsorship check. Alfaro said he will receive the check sometime in August.
The restaurant chain will also host an end-of-the-year party for the winning classrooms.
How will Alfaro use the $500 for his classroom?
Raised in Vero Beach, Alfaro remembers the joy he felt when walking inside his second-grade teacher’s classroom. The room had muted lights and reading zones.
One of Alfaro’s favorite series to read as a young boy was I Spy, which had picture riddles.
“These books help kids relax and have their imagination run wild,” Alfaro said.
Alfaro said he plans to invest in items for his classroom that will incentivize reading. Alfaro plans to purchase books on STEM learning, engineering and animal facts.
“We’re a private school so we have no library. The books are all donated,” Alfaro said. “I’d like to have more books and bean bags. I want to create an environment where students walk through the door and are excited to read. Books spark the engine for kids’ creativity.”
Alfaro also plans to purchase children’s adventure book series such as Magic Tree House, The Boxcar Children and Black Lagoon Adventures. Sweeney, an avid reader of Magic Tree House, is already on book number 18 of the 37-novel series, Alfaro said.
Alfaro was involved in graphic art before he became a teacher. The instructor said his mission is to make an impact in his students’ lives.
“The reason why teachers teach is to make some kind of impact,” Alfaro said. “I hope I can impact their lives and make them a more prepared human being.”
Alfaro also leads recreational activities with students outside the classroom during recess. Alfaro said it’s important for teachers to balance classroom management and discipline along with playing fun games with the children.
“There became this rapport between me and the students the more I participated and played games with them,” Alfaro said. “I enjoy spending time with them. It creates a bond between me and the students. That helps them to engage even more in the classroom.”
Alfaro said he would get his students excited for his creative writing class. Alfaro said he is proud to see Sweeney use the skills she learned from the class to write her award-winning essay.
“Piper is a big writer and loves to write stories. It’s cool to see that direct connection knowing she used her skills and passion for writing,” Alfaro said. “It’s a reminder that this job is for something.”
Photo contributed by Doherty Enterprises