As they wandered through the Vero Beach Boys and Girls Club, guests at the 21st annual Angel Dinner were greeted by members of the Vero Beach, Sebastian and Fellsmere clubs, all eager to talk about their many interests, from education and career development to the arts and sports.
“We are thrilled to have you with us tonight and see our kids in their own environment, showing off their activities and projects,” said event chair Nancy Lynch, thanking everyone for their generous support.
Former and current club members spoke about their experiences in the afterschool and summer programs, appreciative of the guidance, support and assistance they receive.
“It is so rewarding to hear from these kids, and isn’t this what it’s all about? We want every child to have the opportunity to experience all that the clubs have to offer,” said Lynch.
The cost for a child to attend the all-day summer program is $600, and the afterschool program is $300, which for some families is just not within their reach.
Roughly 80 percent of participants qualify for free and reduced lunch and almost 50 percent are from single-parent households.
“We are committed to providing our youth with the best possible facilities, programs, activities and education in Indian River County,” said Lisa Bell, CEO, relating that they served more than 750 children this past year.
“We, all of us together, are truly making a significant difference in the lives of the kids we serve,” said Bell.
“We are here to help. Youth that come to the Boys and Girls Clubs learn quickly that this is a space where they can be themselves, be safe and be heard.”
Bell said they have re-implemented their volunteer program and are currently seeking mentors and tutors.
Additionally, a new incentive program, Club 105, honors club members who have attended at least 105 days during the year.
“Research has shown that the more often youth attend our clubs, the greater their prospects are for graduating from high school on time with a specific plan after high school, improved grades for all of our members, and a broad sense of well-being within our membership,” said Bell.
“Tonight we celebrate our youth, but we also celebrate you, our donors, our patrons, because without you our staff could not do what they do every day to help improve and change those we serve,” said Bell.
She introduced two alumni, Chad Taylor, 2022 Vero Club Youth of the Year, and Emmanuel Salas, 2022 County Youth of the Year, who recognized all the generous event sponsors.
Laura Luettger, director of operations, introduced the members chosen this year as the embodiment of the clubs’ three areas of priority – leadership, character and service.
Junior Youth of the Year Serenity Marsh, a seventh-grader at Oslo Middle School, has been a Vero Beach Club member since age 9. She is on the AP Honor Roll, and has earned more than 150 community service hours in the past year.
Jasmine Taylor, a Vero Beach Club member since age 8, is the 2023 Youth of the Year, and will soon compete in the state competition. She is dual enrolled at Indian River State College, is a member of the varsity soccer team and aspires to become a criminal defense attorney.
After hearing from the young ladies about their impressive journeys, Bob Bauchman, board co-chair with Paul Hanson said, “I hope you recognize the difference you are making in the lives of the hundreds of kids we serve.”
For more information, visit BGCIRC.org.
Photos by Mary Schenkel