At a Meet the Finalists Reception at the Heritage Center, fittingly on International Women’s Day, the ladies of Indian River Impact 100 were introduced to representatives of the 11 nonprofits whose proposals made it through an extensive grant application process.
“I am so excited with what we’ve come up with and what the grant panels have done,” said Mary Ellen McCarthy, board president. “I want to give my personal thanks to each and every one who has worked so hard.”
“When you look at the groups that you have sponsored with major gifts over the last 15 years it’s just astounding,” said premier sponsor Robin Lloyd of Robin Lloyd and Associates. “You’ve made such an impact.”
Thanking returning and new members, Suzi McCoy Shriner, president-elect, said there were 490 members this year. And, as committee members carried numbered balloons to the front of the room, she announced that $571,900 was available to be awarded this year.
As a result, members will vote to award $100,000 grants to five nonprofits at the annual meeting on April 12, and the remaining six will receive merit awards.
Prior to introducing the finalists, grant chair Liz Locke applauded her team of 60 members who evaluated the applications in a “thoughtful, intelligent, diligent manner,” and said how impressed they were with the submitted proposals.
She added, “Every nonprofit that applied is working hard to make Indian River County a better place.”
Ballet Vero Beach – Fellowship Initiative for Dancers Expansion
Builds on a program launched last year whereby students learn dance at a professional level while getting a free college education and learn to use dance to improve children’s literacy in partnership with the Learning Alliance.
Bike Walk IRC – Wheels on Wheels
To hire a staff person and expand their Bike Rehab program for the transportation disadvantaged, hoping to increase bikes given away from 360 in 2022 to potentially 800 annually.
IRC Healthy Start – Fatherhood Initiative IRC
To comply with a state-mandated program by funding specialized training, computers and support tools, incentives and programming, and marketing the program to fathers.
Junior Achievement of PB & TC – From Youngsters to High School Graduates
To fund an employee to recruit high school students and volunteers to teach age-appropriate JA programs, including financial literacy, to elementary school children.
Learning Alliance – The Moonshot Lab School and Hub for Teacher Training
To fund an arts integration coach for the children’s literacy program and fund professional development for teachers, especially teaching the science of reading.
McKee Botanical Garden – Nurtured by Nature/Environment
To fund two nature-based children’s programs, for underserved children during the summers of 2023 and 2024 and class field trips for all first- and second-graders during the school year.
Senior Resource Association – Meals on Wheels Waitlist Relief
To reduce the MOW waitlist of food-insecure seniors by expanding the program to 69 more seniors and providing partial staff funding to meet the increasing need.
The Gifford Youth Orchestra – GYO Audio, Recording, and Communications Studio
To fund equipment and a technician for a sound studio in a new music center being built to serve at risk children, where they can record college/job interviews, create podcasts, and learn audio and sound engineering.
The Source – Dignity Wellness
To fund the training of staff and community members in mental health first aid triage for the homeless community, including assessment, treatment plans, and navigation services for mental health and wellness resources.
Vero Beach Theatre Guild – Theatrical Learning Center
For scholarships, transportation, meals, play scripts and facility changes for an artistic center where students can support each other in the arts through summer camp and afterschool programs.
Whole Family Health Center – WFHC Mobile Medical Office
To outfit a mobile medical office to provide preventative and continuum care to the underserved and vulnerable suffering from chronic diseases or multiple comorbidities.
For more information, visit Impact100IR.com.
Photos by Joshua Kodis