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Jill Kerwick Brings Heightened Awareness Oils to Center for Spiritual Care in Vero

Center for Spiritual Care

1550 24th St, Vero Beach

Jill Kerwick will show a “playfully innocent” series of new paintings in her solo exhibition
at the Center for Spiritual Care March 3-31. The Center is located at the corner of 24th Street
and 16th Avenue in Vero Beach. The show will be called Heightened Awareness.

Kerwick brings her paintings to the Center after a series of highly praised gallery and
museum shows in the Northeastern United States over the past year. “Jill’s work has continued
to grow in stature,” says Center Director Carol Ludwig, “and it continues to surprise. Yet even
with the exuberance and high spirits, the overriding feeling in these new paintings is of serenity
and tranquility.”

Kerwick, who earned her MFA from New York University, did her undergraduate work in
painting at Moore College of Art in Philadelphia, the oldest art school for women in the country.
Among Moore’s more famous alumnae is the portraitist Alice Neel. She says her exhibition’s
title comes from the combination of light, calm and focus that can be experienced when
working intently.

Viewings at the Center from March 4-31 will be by appointment only. Personal tours of
Kerwick’s show can be arranged by calling 772-567-1233.

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