Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach Hispanic Community Resource and Job Fair

Hispanic Community Resource and Job Fair – Inaugural event April 2, 2022 3-6pm

Operation Hope, Fellsmere, FL

Sunrise Rotary, in collaboration with the Center for Independent Living Options, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office, the Fellsmere Police, the Fellsmere Action Community Team (FACT), the School District of Indian River County (SDIRC), and the Rotary Club of Vero Beach, held a successful and eventful inaugural Hispanic Community Resource and Job Fair (HRF) on April 2, 2022 at Operation Hope in Fellsmere, Florida. Spawning from ideas generated over several meetings of the community diversity group, and from Sunrise Rotarians Pam O’Donnell, Cheryl Ward, and Tarik Kawi participation at monthly FACT meetings, the fair helped raise awareness of and share information about local resources to a vastly underserved community that comprises about 80% Hispanic members. Pam worked tirelessly for weeks soliciting incentive raffle donations from the Fellsmere community (even in the middle of a major multi-agency FBI drug sting raid!), while Cheryl was a significant help to the organizers with the event planning. Vero Beach Rotarian Patricia Kawi helped organize SDIRC supports, including recruiting the helpful hands of the Vero Beach High School Cadets. Also at the event, Sunrise Rotarians Joe Conrado and Mike Murphy were tremendous help with their Spanish language and table management skills, and by generously donating incentives for the visitors to our table. Sunrise Rotarian Bob McCabe was active at the event, helping spread the Rotary word and about the Vero Chamber.

More than 200 members of the Fellsmere community attended to enjoy the festive live entertainment, delicious tacos and refreshments, and visit the more than two dozen Indian River and Florida community organizations represented at the event, including the Mexican consulate, Moonshot Moment (with the big blue rocket bus), Tykes & Teens, and UP Center. The indoor-outdoor fair had an exciting conclusion with a spectacular fireworks show provided by Mother Nature and accompanied by a brief monsoon.

For more information about Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach come to a Wed meeting at 6:45am at the Riverhouse on the river by the dog park.

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