Elke Bosetti is one of the most Boundlessly Joyful, Puppy-est young ladies I’ve ever met. She’s just found her Furever Famly after bein’ saved from Dire Circumstances.
Elke is 15 months old: a golden-eyed bulldog-an-probly-greyhound mixture, with peachy/pinkish and gray brindle coat. She trotted up for the Wag-an-Sniff, wearing a pink collar anna pearl necklace.
“Hi, Mr. Bonzo! I’m Elke! This is my Mom. Dad’s elsewhere. An THIS is my Furever House.
Isn’t it great? Come ON, you GOTTA see my back yard. It’s got GRASS! I LOVE grass!”
Elke flew out to the paddy-o. A nice big yard with some bushes an stuff sloped down to the water.
“Isn’t this GREAT!” she said. “SEE all the GRASS? Anna bunch of WATER too! An that’s my YOT!” (She pointed to a very big boat at the dock.) “I haven’t been on it yet, tho.”
Her Mom produced a big pink Kong an tossed it to Elke, who instantly grabbed it, flopped onto the grass an, legs in the air an mouth fulla Kong, began rollin’ around, boppin’ it side-to-side, usin’ her paws like hands.
“Cub ODD, Miffder Bod-zo! Cub PWAY wibb me!!”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fellow pooch havin’ so much unbridled FUN. Elke’s grass did look inviting, but I was On The Job.
In a bit, Elke came trotting back, an pe-tooied out the Kong. “Sorry. I sorta forgot I’m s’pose to tell you my Tail. It’s just that I never KNEW about any of this Totally Crispy Biscuits stuff. I almost can’t buh-leeve it, you know? Havin’ a ackshull HOME! Anna BED! An my own FOOD DISH! An TOYS! Anna Mom an Dad who give me pats an snuggles an tummy rubs! I’m SO lucky!”
“No worries, Miss Elke. You totally duh-zerve it. Every pooch does. I’m ready to write whenever you wanna start.”
“K! So, me an my sister Sisou an some others were with some TARE-rubble peeple. I don’t think they cared a tiny little bit about us. We almost Bought the Doghouse. Then we were what the humans call, um, CON-fuh-skated by Good Humans an taken to a shelter.
“Meanwhile, Mom an Dad had lost their buh-loved rescue pooch, Kabana, on Christmas Eve and, 5 weeks later, they realized the house felt empty with no pooch in it. So they checked out the shelter where they had got Kabana, the Sunrise Humane Society. They went on The Line an looked at the pickshurs an, when they saw us, an read our tail, Mom went to look at us in The Fur. Dad told Mom, ‘I don’t care what kind of dog it is, just be sure it’s the Right One.’
“I was a liddle shy but, soon as I saw Mom, I KNEW. So, even tho I was probly 45 pounds bigger than an Official Lap Dog, I jumped onto her lap. An just like THAT, she was my Mom, an I was her Pooch. Just like Dad wanted, I was The Right One. I found out Sisou found a Furever home, too, thank Lassie.”
“What a great tail, Miss Elke. How was your new life at first?”
“The trip from the shelter scared the Kibbles outta me. I was like, ‘WHAA-AAT? I don’t THINK so!’ I was totally freaked out by The Car. I didn’t wanna get in it. It was loud! I thought it was a MON-ster that was gonna eat me. I’m a liddle better now: I do short trips with Mom an Dad to get an ice tee or somethin’, cuz I know I’ll be on solid ground again soon.
“When I first saw my Furever Home, I was like, ‘PAWSOME!’ I met Dad, an my step-sister an brother, Darla an Fredrick. They’re black cats. I keep wantin’ to play with ’em but they’re real uh-LOOF. Sometimes they hisss. First time I saw the Back Yard, I got SO EXCITED. I ran around and rolled for hours.”
“Have you made any pooch pals?”
“Yes! Sunshine an Snowflake. They’re rescues, too. Terriers, I think. They’re way fun!”
“How ’bout favrite toys, other than your Kong. Also, any fav foodstuffs?”
“I have tons of toys. I usta play with the cat toys. I think I might have chewed them all UP, ackshully. I’m not picky about food. I’m just happy to HAVE food. I get wholesome scraps from Mom an Dad’s meals, an regular kibbles. Ackshully, my fav is spuh-getti sauce. Mom puts a liddle on whatever I’m havin’. Duh-LISH.
“Am, my human sister, Brittany, who lives someplace called VALE, which is WAY far away an has SNOW, sent me a big bag of deer antlers, which are PAW-some. They started big an I’m chewin’ ’em down to sticks.”
Suddenly, I heard a soft liddle voice. “Hey, Elke, I heard you mention us. Would you introduce me, please?”
Curled up onna chair by the window, contemplating the birds and squirrels, was a sleek, black cat. I carefully followed Elke over. She nuzzled the cat an licked her face a few times. I expected Elke would get a hiss or a paw swat. Instead, the cat nuzzled back an licked Elke’s big muzzle. It was a Kodak Moment.
“Mr. Bonzo, this is my big sister Darla. Darla, this is Bonzo the Columnist. He’s writing a story about me.”
“A great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bonzo,” Darla said softly. “Fredrick is somewhere about. We are both quite fond of our goofy liddle sister an have no issue with her being of the canine persuasion. Being cats, however, we are a good bit more reserved.”
“It’s indeed an honor, Miss Darla. I have a great respect for cats and have several I am happy to call frens.”
The time had flown.
Heading home, I was picturin’ Miss Elke joyously rollin’ in her very own grassy yard, a silly sweet rescue pooch livin’ her best life in her pink collar an pearls. Happy endings are The Best.
Till next time,