INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A trash bag carrying 45 pounds of heroin washed ashore near Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge this week, prompting the response of federal wildlife officers and U.S. Border Patrol.
A passerby saw the garbage bag along the shoreline Thursday and called 911, Indian River County sheriff’s officials said. Sheriff’s Deputy Ron Adamson and Federal Wildlife Officer Brian Bushnell went to the scene.
“Dep. Adamson said the drugs were in a 35-gallon trash bag and wrapped in burlap. The packaging was not intended for water,” sheriff’s officials said in a statement.
“He said it’s possible the drug-runner threw it overboard or that whatever watercraft was being used to transport it took on water. Dep. Adamson said there were no nearby reports of boats going under.”
The package containing heroin was processed into evidence in the crime scene department at the sheriff’s office. U.S. Border Patrol agents picked up the package from the sheriff’s office for further investigation.
The street value of the waterlogged narcotic was not immediately available.
No further details were immediately available.