INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Two cold weather shelters will open ahead of a brutal cold front that will drop temperatures into the 30’s this weekend, emergency service officials said.
Wind chill values – which is what the temperature feels like on a person’s skin during windy conditions – will be in the high 20’s and low 30’s, according to the National Weather Service in Melbourne. A wind chill advisory will be in effect from 4 a.m. to 10 a.m. Saturday, weather officials said.
Meteorologists said a freeze watch will be in effect from 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. Sunday. The cold weather is also bringing warnings for residents to bundle up and to bring in pets along with cold sensitive plants.
Per the National Weather Service, starting tonight (1/28/22), temperatures below freezing are expected for the Treasure Coast Region this weekend through Monday (1/31/22). Temperatures will fall to the coldest levels of this winter season. pic.twitter.com/h3plmx5WUt
— Indian River EOC (@IndianRiverEOC) January 28, 2022
The Source
The Source, a local Christian outreach ministry, will provide its 20-bed Dignity Bus as a cold weather shelter from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m., Executive Director Anthony Zorbaugh said. The Dignity Bus usually operates as an emergency shelter during the same time frame seven days a week.
The Source is located at 1015 Commerce Avenue in Vero Beach.
The Dignity Bus will be parked at the facility until the last person arrives onboard. Then, the bus will travel about 10 p.m. to the TA truck stop by Interstate 95 to pick up more people in need of shelter, Zorbaugh said. The bus will then travel back to The Source.
Cold Weather Shelter/Lodging Assistance:
The Source is a private community outreach program, and they are open each night beginning at 9:00 PM. The Source has a 20 bed Dignity Bus, and they are located at: 1015 Commerce Avenue in Vero Beach, Florida
— Indian River EOC (@IndianRiverEOC) January 28, 2022
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army of Indian River County will open as a cold weather shelter from 6 p.m. Saturday to 7:30 a.m. Sunday, emergency service officials said. The relief and humanitarian agency will help the first 20 people who arrive at the facility at 2655 5th Street Southwest in Vero Beach.
The Salvation Army (SA) of Indian River County will be open for cold weather shelter lodging this Saturday January 29th, from 6PM until 730AM Sunday morning, January 30, 2022. The SA will assist the first 20 persons who arrive at 2655 5th Street Southwest in Vero Beach, FL. pic.twitter.com/Kdk2T5d3fW
— Indian River EOC (@IndianRiverEOC) January 28, 2022