Santa’s reindeer had to work a little bit harder this year to carry a ‘sleigh’ laden with toys donated by members of the Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club to be distributed by the nonprofit Operation Hope during its annual Christmas Festival in Fellsmere the week before Christmas.
There were dolls and balls, blocks and cars – to be sure, something for everyone. Along with Orchid Island staff, several club members assisted with the holly, jolly loading of the loot into the Operation Hope truck.
Each December, Orchid Island members collect toys at their annual Operation Hope dinner.
This year, they brought more than 200 unwrapped toys to yet another sold-out dinner before settling in for an evening of good cheer.
“The club members are really giving. They enjoy this event every year,” said Rob Tench, Orchid Island’s general manager. “There is such need out in Fellsmere. We’re happy to be able to bring some joy to some of the kids on Christmas Day.”
Founded by Jesse Zermeño in 1997, Operation Hope has been making a difference in the lives of laborers and their families by improving living conditions, and distributing food, clothing and household items to those in need. The nonprofit provides support, education and assistance to disadvantaged families regardless of race, color or religion.
Zermeño said he was excited for things to return to normal, as last year’s event was held in a drive-through fashion to accommodate pandemic-related health and safety precautions.
“It’s going to be a wonderful event, especially since we went through two different difficult years and still so many people are stressed and troubled. But now it’s time for the people to have a good time,” said Zermeño, who expected a larger-than-usual crowd with hundreds of children.
“The response is going to be very high because many families are in trouble. It’s time to get people happy and make them smile.”
Zermeño said plans for the Christmas Festival included Sheriff Eric Flowers speaking to the crowd and, to entertain the families, there will be musicians, singers, dancers, fire trucks and Indian River County Sheriff’s Office K-9s.
“I am so happy that Orchid Island cares for the people in Indian River County and supports Operation Hope to help others. It’s amazing. We are thankful that what they do allows us to help so many people,” said, Zermeño.
Zermeño also happily announced they had been working with Orchid Island resident Dr. Fredy E. Delacruz to open a free medical clinic at their Fellsmere location.
“It’s free for people who don’t have insurance or money. Dr. Delacruz has invited doctors and nurses who will donate their time,” said Zermeño.
In addition to the Christmas Festival, Operation Hope distributes backpacks and school supplies during a Back-to-School celebration each August and turkeys for Thanksgiving.
Families are also invited to pick up food and grocery items twice a month.
For more information, visitoperationhopefl.org.
Photos by Kaila Jones