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Pelican Island Conservation Society Indian River Bird & Nature Art Show winners

The Annual Pelican Island Conservation Society (PICS) Indian River Bird & Nature Art Show is now up at the Environmental Learning Center until October 30th and is available to be seen during ELC normal hours. This show benefits PICS and is held each year during October for National Wildlife Refuge week which is October 11th thru 17th.

Judges Dan Kroeger and Warren Obluck worked a couple of hours on Sunday October 3rd to come up with: Photography Toni Wooldridge’s Turtle Trax 1st place, Michele Loftus-Trzcinski’s The Odd Couple 2nd place, Valerie Mayton’s Ducks in Duckweed took 3rd; 2-Dimensional Ms. Quentin Walter’s Escape Into the Clouds 1st place, Lisa Rose’s Pelican Dance 2nd place and Maureen Fitzpatrick’s Mangroves at Key Largo took 3rd; 3-Dimensional Cathy Ferrell’s Skimming the Tree Tops 1st place, Mallory Mixson O’Malley’s Night Herons 2nd place and Gary Gresko’s Flame Pod 3rd; Mixed Media Grace Cormier’s Nature 1st place, Alma Arizpe’s Morada Ray 2nd and Andrea Levinson’s Under the Sea 3rd; Watercolor Beverly Tyson’s After Heade 1st place, Pam Webb’s Junge Seagrapes 2nd and  Laura Doll’s Tri-Colored Night Heron 3rd; Oil Judy Burgarella’s An Artist’s Palette 1st place, Linda Fleischman’s Pelicans 2nd and Susan Miiller’s Soaring 3rd; Acrylic Judy Burgarella’s Blue Heron & Orchids 1st place, Richard Gillmor’s Sebastian Mangrove 2nd place and Peter Coe’s Memories: Jones Fruit Farm 3rd; Plein Air painted Saturday at ELC Lee G Smith 1st place, May Brandt 2nd and Judy Burgarella 3rd; Best of Show is Cathy Ferrell’s Fishing the Flats sculpture (3D).

During the month there will be a host of bird and nature tours including 3 Nature Walks at ELC with ElC’s Marc Spiess Wed Oct 6th, 13th and 20th at 9am, a Sunset Wine and Cheese Pontoon Cruise sponsored by the Vero Beach Outlets on October 9th at 5pm, a Shorebirds Wabasso Beach tour by ELC’s Sara Piotter Monday Oct 11th at 7am, Migratory Birds at ELC by David Simpson Tuesday Oct 12th at 8am, Beginning Birding for kids by Leah LoPresti Wednesday Oct 13th at 8am, Also on Oct 13th is another Sunset Cocktail Cruise at 5pm,  Owl Hoot on ELC Thursday Oct 14th by David Simpson 7pm, Lecture with photos by Juanita Baker Friday October 15th 8-9pm, Artists Reception and awards Saturday Oct 16th 4:30-6:30 followed by a slideshow of birds at the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge at 7pm. All tours can be booked at

For more information on the Pelican Island Conservation Society visit

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