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Arts Organization Initiative Press Release


More than $18,000 in grant funding from the Florida Department of State’s Division of Arts and Culture is headed to the Cultural Council of Indian River County to establish a formal communications network among the county’s arts organizations.

The first phase of the initiative, which will begin in October, will provide meetings and dialogue among the various members of the local arts industry to determine the needs of the local arts groups. This is an opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded organizations, and share the issues important to their survival and growth.

Representatives from Riverside Theatre, the Vero Beach Museum of Art, McKee Gardens, Environmental Learning Center, Vero Beach Opera, Theatre Guild and Ballet Vero Beach will be asked to participate in the series of meetings with a future goal of establishing a county-wide Arts and Culture Plan.  Smaller groups, galleries and individual artists will be encouraged to participate in similar meetings after Jan. 1, 2022.

The initial grant will fund Phase 1 of the project, while future grant funds will be sought to address and identify funding necessary to implement and support the plan. 

Indian River County resident Cynthia Callander has been hired to oversee Phase 1 implementation of the grant, which ends June 30, 2022. Callander has a background in marketing and public relations and will serve as development coordinator for the Cultural Council of Indian River County as well.

Arts organizations wishing to be included in this first stage of the process are asked to contact the Cultural Council at or call 772-770-4857 to indicate their willingness to participate.

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