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A week of projects for Sunrise Rotary

Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach started August with a full plate…Tuesday club members helped pack backpacks (with supplies the club donated) at the Salvation Army, Wednesday club members went to Citrus Elementary to get the rain garden they installed two years ago ready for the new school season with plants & weeding, Thursday club members were at GYAC stuffing backpacks, Friday members were at Indian River Charter High School supporting the new Rotary Interact club and be there to answer questions, Saturday members showed up at Storm Grove Middle School to prepare the rain garden installed two years ago and make it ready and Sunday the mulch for Citrus Elementary was delivered and placed on the rain garden… Rotary is not for everyone but is for everyone who wants to get involved in the community…. Attend a meeting any Wednesday at 6:45am at Riverhouse…or visit,
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