Florida shelters work together to keep pets safe from Hurricane Elsa

On July 6, 2021, a collaborative effort to save pets in the way of Hurricane Elsa was made. The Humane Society of Vero Beach and the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando assisted The Humane Society of North Central Florida by taking in a total of 38 dogs to make space at their shelter to bring in pets from Dixie County. The Humane Society of Vero Beach & Indian River County drove up to Orlando on July 7 to transport ten dogs from The Humane Society of North Central Florida to our shelter in Vero Beach.

These ten dogs were brought to our facility in Vero Beach where they will be medically examined and quarantined before being able to be adopted by the public.

“We have a responsibility to care for the animals who need it most,” said Kate Meghji, Executive Director at HSVB. “We are happy to help our neighboring shelters in need when we have the resources to do so.”

Hurricanes pose a great threat to Florida, and unfortunately, there are small shelters around the state existing in rural areas without protection from the elements. Time is vital when there are natural disasters approaching and organizations have to operate quickly to get these animals out of harm’s way.

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