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Cultural Council IRC – Art in Public Places 2021 Initiative

Cultural Council of Indian River County Presents Steve Reid’s solo mask exhibit. The masks are the artist’s Original and Interpretations of African and Indigenous Ceremonial Masks, titled, Not Myself’

June 1 – September 30, 2021 @IRC Administrative Building B. 27th Street, Vero Beach. Open to the public 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. The free exhibit is on the 1st floor and handicapped accessible.

For purchase inquiries: IRC Cultural Council: 772-770-4857

Steve was born in Scotland, UK, and studied art in Glasgow. After emigrating to the United States, he worked as a jazz percussionist and studied floral design with sculptor-florist-philosopher, Dries Alberts, from the Netherlands. Steve stood on panels at several international floral competitions and continued his floral studies at the Botanical Gardens in New York.

This exploration became a window to the study of composition, space, line, color, and harmony. Gradually it led him to a deeper search and understanding of 2- and 3-dimensional works with new mediums and materials. His work extends the human spirit in a more concrete sensibility, while progressing in a timeless vision, tapping into his personal history and the history of past civilizations. In recent years he studied at the Arts Student League, NY.

This is Mr. Reid’s third exhibit in Vero Beach since moving to Vero Beach in 2019.

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