Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach President wins President of the Year

Rotary District 6930 from Titusville to Boca and out to Okeechobee held their annual Conference May 21-23rd at the Marriott in Jensen Beach. At the banquet on Saturday night District Governor Els van Engelenburg, gave out 3 awards of which President of the Year was one of 3 given out..Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach president Richard Giessert won! Another award was Club of the Year and winning was a Sunrise sponsored “Eco Friendly Rotary Club” with Julia Babbitt as the founding President. The Indian River County Rotary Assistant Governor (AG), Elaine Jones won Rotarian of the Year. Visit Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach any Wednesday at Riverhouse at 6:45am or visit us on

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