INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A Pompano Beach woman who officials said led deputies on a chase, lost control of her car after officers bumped her vehicle and was found with methamphetamine, was jailed last weekend.

Samantha Barone
Deputies arrested Samantha Joanna Christine Barone, 37, on charges of possession of methamphetamine, fleeing and eluding, possession of drug paraphernalia and resisting arrest without violence. As of Thursday, Barone was held at the Indian River County Jail on $32,000 bond.
Deputies released dashboard camera footage of the incident this week.
Witnesses flagged down Indian River County deputies on April 17, alerting them to a motorist driving erratically. Deputies conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle at the RaceTrac on County Road 512, just east of Interstate 95.
Deputies said Barone drove off in the vehicle, accelerating to high speeds on eastbound C.R. 512. Barone showed no signs of stopping, authorities said.
Deputies followed behind Barone’s vehicle and bumped the side of her car. The impact sent Barone’s car spinning out of control until it stopped completely on the right grass shoulder, the dash camera video showed.
Deputies removed Barone from the car. Inside the vehicle, deputies found a glass pipe containing crystal methamphetamine, authorities said.
Corrections deputies found a bag of meth hidden in Barone’s bra when she was booked into the county jail. Barone has an arraignment at 8:45 a.m. May 21, court records show.