Indian River County Clerk of Court Jeffrey Smith today warned residents to beware of a serious jury scam that has bilked at least four victims of thousands of dollars.
According to Smith, the victims received calls on their home phones telling them that they didn’t show up for their assigned jury duty and would be issued an arrest warrant if they didn’t pony up thousands in MoneyPak cards. Victims reported losing from $1,800 to $7,200 in the shakedown.
The woman who lost $7.200 said the call she received sounded authentic, with squelch radio dispatch noise in the background. She purchased MoneyPak cards in $300 increments from six different stores at the direction of the caller, who spent some four hours on the phone with her.
Smith emphasized that his office NEVER calls local residents who miss jury duty and never asks for money over the phone.
The Indian River County Sheriff’s office is investigating.
Meanwhile, Smith said, anyone with questions may call his office at 772-226-3130 or 772-226-3115.