VERO BEACH — He’s almost two years old, has black and brown fur, and is ready to undergo 480 hours of intense training to become a new certified K-9 police dog.
Vero Beach police obtained the German Shepherd – who has yet to be named – last week from a breeder in Daytona Beach, spokesman Master Officer Darrell Rivers said. Rivers said officers will name the canine sometime next week.
“He’s still a puppy. He will get bigger,” Rivers said.
The new K-9 will eventually replace “Portos”, a 7-year-old K-9 German Shepherd at the police department, Rivers said. Portos was expected to retire soon, but it was unclear when.
The Vero Beach Police Department currently has two K-9 dogs, including Portos and 4-year-old “Batman,” Rivers said. Batman is also a German Shepherd breed.
Vero police do not have search-and-rescue dogs, Rivers said.
The new K-9 and his partner, Officer James Doty, will start training sometime this month.
Rivers said the new addition will be Doty’s first K-9 dog. Officials selected Doty to be the dog’s handler a couple weeks ago, Rivers said.
“He’s been wanting this position for a long time,” Rivers said of Doty, who has been with the police department for nearly three years.
The canine’s duties will include assisting Doty in drug detection and apprehension of suspects. Rivers said the dog will be able to sniff out narcotics including cocaine, heroin and ecstasy.
Photos provided by Vero Beach Police Department