John Rockhill said he doesn’t know how his Indian River Estates neighbors will react this week when they learn the county is reviewing plans for a 7-Eleven convenience store and gas station – with as many as 16 pumps – to be built at the corner of State Road 60 and 74th Avenue, near the southeast corner of the retirement community.
But Rockhill, president of the Indian River Estates East Residents Association, is sure he’ll be hearing from some of them.
“There’s been a little bit of conversation, but most people here aren’t aware of what’s happening there,” Rockhill said. “I’d say only 10 percent or so have heard anything about it, but they’ll find out when they [see this article].
“Once they do, I expect there will be some concern,” he added. “It’s not the most pleasant thing to have as our neighbor.”
According to the site plan application filed Nov. 2, the 3-acre parcel is owned by Buildex Inc., a Vero Beach-based company that lists George Beuttell as its president. The developer is Blackfin Partners Investments Inc. of Palm Beach Gardens.
The plan for a 4,650-square-foot store and gas station has received a preliminary review, said Ryan Sweeney, the county’s chief of current development. A public hearing hasn’t yet been scheduled.
Once the county announces the hearing, Rockhill said, the association’s board will notify residents. He said county officials can expect to receive questions and probably some opposition.
“I’m sure we’ll discuss it as a board, now that everyone will know what’s going on,” Rockhill said. “We’ll certainly put the word out when the public hearing is set. We’ll have to see how this thing progresses.
“Obviously, a 7-Eleven and gas station aren’t what we would want in that location, with all the lighting and the noise,” he added. “There’s a commercial building across State Road 60, but it’s not intrusive. If the 7-Eleven goes in, it’ll potentially have a direct impact on a number of villas on the south side of our community, near the entrance.
“Our entrance is only about a quarter-mile from the intersection.”
Much of Indian River Estates would not be noticeably impacted, Rockhill said, and he suggested some of the community’s 800 residents might welcome the convenience of having a 7-Eleven convenience store and gas station so close to home.
Sweeney said advanced lighting technology should minimize any intrusion into the community and that a convenience store and gas station are not incompatible with other developments along State Road 60.
“There will probably be a buzz out here this week,” Rockhill said, “when people open their newspapers.”