The 26th annual Aerial Antics holiday performance – Christmas Wish List – has tumbled onto the world wide web this year rather than taking place on stage at the Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center, as it has in Christmases past.
Produced by the City of Vero Beach Recreation Department, the holiday performance showcases more than 160 gymnasts and dancers, ages 3 to 25, who participate in the Leisure Square Gymnastics and Performing Arts Programs.
This year’s theme centered around an assignment given to the students at the Centerstage Performing Arts School, who were tasked with writing their “most wanted Christmas wish.” No dreams of “sugar plums” here, these students act out visions of rocket ships, a visit with Santa in the North Pole, and travel to other faraway places, through impressive dances and acrobatics.
Adapting to coronavirus health and safety protocols, the students worked in family groups to create acrobatic and dance routines, as well as mesmerizing feats on aerial silks, bringing to life a cast of seasonal favorites, including snowflakes, snowmen and dancing Santas.
“Children are missing out on their childhood right now. We want to make things as normal as we possibly can while keeping them safe,” said Patty Howard, Recreation Department assistant director.
The resulting performances created by this group of talented youngsters and dedicated instructors were truly a gift, crafted from hard work and determination.
Each performance group was filmed individually, and with a little technical magic, the independent acts were woven into a virtual storybook, with segments of the script accompanying the routines.
“The Christmas show is always fun because it’s so family-friendly. It gets everyone in the mood for the holidays and puts them in the spirit. It’s a happy time of year, and as long as we can help provide that, we’ll continue to do so,” added Howard.
The holiday program was designed to showcase the skills learned by students during the year-round programs at the Centerstage Acrobatic Complex, a 4,500-square-foot gymnastics facility managed by the City of Vero Beach.
“Our program is unique because it’s non-competitive. We’re focused on being positive and uplifting the children’s self-esteem. They don’t have to be perfect. We just want them to learn. It’s a positive environment instead of the pressure of competition,” explained Howard. She added that students obtain an education in the performing arts that they might not otherwise have access to.
So, warm up some cider and get ready for a Christmas Wish List, which can be viewed on the City of Vero Beach Recreation Department website at covb.org.
Photos by: Kaila Jones
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