INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A sheriff’s candidate is in quarantine after revealing he tested positive for coronavirus Friday.
In a Facebook post, Chuck Kirby, 59, said he received a call from Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital Friday morning. Kirby, a retired captain for the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office and military veteran, said hospital officials told him he tested positive.
Kirby said he got tested Tuesday after developing COVID-19 symptoms, including a dry cough, fever, congestion and fatigue. The fever has since gone away, he said.
Kirby is one of five candidates running for the sheriff’s position for this year’s election. The other candidates are sheriff’s spokesman Maj. Eric Flowers, Indian River Shores Public Safety Department Director Rich Rosell, Fellsmere Police Chief Keith Touchberry and Deborah Cooney, a former bank executive.
Kirby said he participated in recent virtual sheriff’s candidates forums from the safety of his own living room through live streaming.
Kirby and his wife, Cindy, drove to the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park over the Fourth of July holiday weekend to watch boats cruise into the inlet. Kirby said he doesn’t think he got the infection at the park because he and Cindy were outside and not near anyone.
The sheriff’s candidate said he does not have any underlying health conditions. Kirby said he and Cindy have self-quarantined at home for the past three days, and will continue to do so through July 21.