Florida Department of Education compiles resources during extended Spring Break

Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran has unveiled available information and resources for students, parents and school districts during the extended spring break for students as they transition into distance learning.

The Department of Education’s emergency response page lists free educational resources and district meal plans to help families while school campuses are closed.

The page also contains extensive information on the state’s response to COVID-19. Included are educational resources such as CPALMS – Florida’s online toolbox based on the state’s standards for teachers, students and families – Khan Academy, Floridastudents.org and many others who are stepping up to serve Florida families free of charge, with thousands of online courses, lessons and practice exercises and videos so students can continue their education.

In addition, parents of K-12 students can find a free meal through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Summer BreakSpot.

“It is essential that our students use this time to keep up with their studies,” said Commissioner Corcoran. “There are a wide variety of free education resources available so students can continue learning. School districts are also partnering with local restaurants and vendors to provide meals so no family needs to worry about making sure their child has healthy food to eat. I applaud our school districts and thank businesses throughout the state for finding innovative ways to ensure students have what they need during this extended break.”

Most school districts will complete their extended spring break on March 27 and re-open for distance learning on March 30. Each district has been diligently working to develop their distance learning plan so they are ready to implement at the conclusion of the extended spring break.

The FDOE emergency response webpage will be updated regularly as new information becomes available. Please visit www.fldoe.org/em-response.

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