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Bahamian relief: Be generous … and careful

Following the devastation of the Bahamas wrought by Hurricane Dorian, residents and businesses alike in St. Lucie County and elsewhere have joined forces to take up collections of items to assist in the relief effort.

And while agencies encourage residents to be generous in their donations, law enforcement continues to remind would-be donors to be mindful of potential scams.

“There are scam artists seeking to profit from your compassion,” read a social media post from the Port St. Lucie Police Department. “Ensure that the charity is legitimate. Vet the organization BEFORE you give.”

Groups are collecting a host of items to be sent over to the Bahamas. The Sheriff’s Office is working with Missionary Flights International to airlift the items where the most need to go.

“Our community has overwhelmingly been supportive of our relief supply drive for the Bahamas,” the St. Lucie Sheriff’s Office announced on its facebook page. As of Sept. 5, two truck-loads had already been shipped to the islands.

The Sheriff’s Office recommends donations be dropped off directly to Missionary Flights International at the St. Lucie County Airport or make a financial donation via

Requested items for Missionary Flights’ deliveries

NOT accepted at Missionary Flights

Don’t get scammed

In Florida, charities must register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. To check if an organization is legit, visit or call the following:

If you’ve been scammed, file a complaint with the Florida Attorney General’s Office: or call 1 (866) 9-NO-SCAM.

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