Photo provided by Riverside Theatre
VERO BEACH — Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan spoke about policy insight Monday during Riverside Theatre’s Distinguished Lecturer Series, officials said.
Ryan was among four people to speak at the lecture series, which is in its 21st season at the theatre. The series is usually held from January through March, officials said.
Ryan, the 54th speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, spoke under the topic, “Policy insight gleaned from two decades in congress,” according to the Riverside Theatre website. Ryan – who stepped down in January after the midterm elections favored Democrats nationwide – spoke at the theatre at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Ryan was also the Republican vice-presidential candidate for U.S. Senator Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential election. The Vero Beach theatre has hosted several other political figures known nationwide in previous years.
Some of those people include U.S. Senator Cory Booker, former U.S. President George W. Bush, former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, former U.S. Senator John McCain and more, according to the threatre website. The series aims to present relevant topics focused on national and global affairs by distinguished experts.
Those who want more information on the Distinguished Lecturer Series can contact the theatre’s box office at 772-231-6990.